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Odds Of Flopping Quads


Flopping a straight is one of the best feelings in poker. Make sure you win the maximum. 8 Rules to Help You Choose the Perfect Bet Size Everything you need to know about choosing the correct bet size in No-Limit Hold’em. How to Play Flopped Sets in 8 Common Situations Win as much as possible whenever you flop a set with these eight strategies. In Level 8 with blinds at 1,500/3,000/375, 'SpartanD7' raised to 9,000 from early position and Matthew 'LunaNova21' Davis defended his big blind to see a flop appear. Davis check-called the. Any two cards with rank at least jack. Any two cards with rank at least 10. Connected cards (cards of consecutive rank) 0.157. Based on figures from the odds of flopping 2 pair or better, not including draws, is just over 5.6%. Including flopping a straight or flush draw, the odds are just a hair over 27%. Just-for-Fun Texas Hold’em odds. These statistics probably won’t affect your game in the slightest, but it’s interesting to know what some of the extreme odds are in Hold’em. If you’re holding a pair, the flop will bring you four of a kind about 1 in 119 tries, or 0.84% of the time.

  1. Odds Of Flopping Quads With A Pocket Pair
  2. What Are The Chances Of Flopping Quads
  3. Odds Of Flopping Quads
  4. Odds Of Flopping Quads
  5. Odds Of Flopping Quads In Hold Em
I went to my local casino this morning to play some UTH and BJ, but they didn't have the $25 BJ table open, so I went and played UTH.
I was playing $10 Ante/Blind/Trips with the $1 progressive and about even when I got the killer J4o. I checked, and the flop went JJJ. $20+10+100+300 + $299 on the light.
Next hand, I went up to $25 a spot and had pocket 9s. Went 4X and had 994 hit the flop. $100+25+250+750 + $299 on the light.
I played one more hand at $25 a spot (a fold) and left with my winnings.
gordonm888Odds of flopping a straightOdds Of Flopping Quads
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The odds of player flopping quads on both of any two given hands is 5.76461E-08 or 1 in 17,347,225.
So many better men, a few of them friends, are dead. And a thousand thousand slimy things live on, and so do I.
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Still nothing compared to 18 yo's in a row!!
When a rock is thrown into a pack of dogs, the one that yells the loudest is the one who got hit.

The odds of player flopping quads on both of any two given hands is 5.76461E-08 or 1 in 17,347,225.

Odds Of Flopping Quads With A Pocket Pair

I pretty much agree! The easiest way to do it (for the OP) is just to look at five-card poker probabilities:
Poker quadsOkay, so the probability for doing it on any given hand is:

What Are The Chances Of Flopping Quads

So, you want:
(0.00024010 * 0.00024010) = 5.764801e-8 which converts to 0.00000005764801, so 1/0.00000005764801 = 1 in 17,346,652.5557
I'm guessing there's a rounding difference somewhere in what we're using. I'm thinking yours is more precise.
Vultures can't be choosers.
Thanks for this post from:

Odds Of Flopping Quads

The odds of player flopping quads on both of any two given hands is 5.76461E-08 or 1 in 17,347,225.

I knew someone would do the math. Thanks!

Odds Of Flopping Quads

Thanks for this post from:

Odds Of Flopping Quads In Hold Em

That's pretty insane to flop 4oak twice in a row. I play a lot of video poker (same odds to flop a 4oak on UTH as in VP) and I don't think I've ever been dealt a four of a kind two hands in a row......only a few times (that I remember) have I hit a four of a kind two hands in a row, but that includes the draw and is far more likely.
Thanks. I bet it felt good for you to hit those 4oak back to back as well.
This was the first time I've flopped quads or better in UTH. A handful of full houses were my best prior.