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Keno Lottery Strategy


Learn how to play and win KENO from the Ohio Lottery. Play every 4 minutes from 6:04 a.m. Winning numbers will be available on the website as soon as possible after each drawing. Keno Strategy There is no magical Keno strategy that will guarantee you a win but there are many tips you will learn here to give you the best possible odds. Although you can win higher amounts if you pick more numbers, the odds of winning reduce as you need more Catches in order to win.

The first ever lottery strategy with dedicated lotto software: MDIEditor Lotto

By Ion Saliu, Founder of Lottery Strategy-Software Science

I. Winning Lotto, Lottery Strategy: Pick the Numbers Most Likely to Hit the Next Drawing
1.1. Mathematical Foundation of Lottery and Lotto Strategies
1.2. Winning Lotto Strategy Applied to Lotto-6 Games
1.3. Winning Lottery Strategies and the Most Powerful Lottery, Lotto Software
1.4. Winning Lotto Strategies for Lotto-5, Lotto 7 Games
1.5. Winning Lottery Strategies Applied to Pick 3, Pick-4 Lotteries
II. Lotto, Lottery Strategies and Ion Saliu's Paradox
III. Updates to Lotto, Lottery Strategies: More Powerful Lottery, Lotto Software
IV. Ion Saliu's Lottery Theory, Software Compared to Other Lottery, Lotto Methods
V. Resources in Lottery Lotto Software, Strategies, Systems

1.1. Mathematics of Lottery and Lotto Strategies

First captured by the WayBack Machine (web.archive.org) November 28, 1999.
    Axiomatic one, this was the first software app to create winning lotto, lottery strategies, systems, based on mathematics. While here, you can study and/or download reduced lottery systems or lotto wheels, in addition to the best lottery software, mathematical and probability applications. This is the Incipient Lottery Strategy page that signed the birth certificate of lottery mathematics. That strategy is based on one lottery number at a time. The core of these lottery and lotto strategies was published in the year of grace 1997. Please read the very important Section III for the updates, including a treatise of the science of lottery programming.
Mathematics of lotto and lottery is founded on the Fundamental Formula of Gambling:

In the main table (FTG = Fundamental Table of Gambling), there is a column p=1/8 that describes exactly a lotto game drawing 6 winning numbers from a field of 48. 6 divided by 48 is 1/8 or 0.125. That's how you calculate the probability p, when considering one lotto number at a time.

Evidently, each lotto or lottery combination has an equal probability p as the rest, but the combinations appear with different frequencies. The FFG median and standard deviation are the key factors in the biased appearance. The lotto numbers tend to repeat more often when their running skip is less than or equal to the probability median. The probability median or FFG median can be calculated by the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG) for the degree of certainty DC = 50%. This revolutionary premise constitutes the backbone of the lottery strategy and lotto systems that follow.

  • Playing lottery numbers with skips below the FFG median improves the odds to win lotto jackpots sevenfold.

You can download probability and statistical software that does all the calculations, plus a whole lot more: SuperFormula, option F = FFG. The super software boasts dozens of probability and statistics functions. The app allows you to calculate the number of trials N for any degree of certainty DC. This software application also calculates several types of lotto odds, lottery probabilities based on hypergeometric probability, standard deviation, normal probability rule... and much more.

I created a mini-table for three types of lotto games: 6/42, 6/48 and 6/54. If you don't bother to work with logarithms and your game is not listed in the table, you can approximate. For example, the popular 6/49 lotto game has the same values as those listed for the 6/48 game. A 6/45 lotto game will have numbers somewhere between 6/42 and 6/48. It is best to select the highest numbers: it increases the winning probability. Use Super Formula and do your own calculations for any lotto game you wish, any probability p, any degree of certainty DC.

1.2. Winning Strategy Applied to Lotto-6 Games

Turning again to the 6/48 lotto game. For DC = 50%, the table shows the number 6. It means that half (50%) of the winning lotto numbers in each draw are repeats from the past 6 drawings. That is, on the average, three of the six winning numbers have also been drawn in the last 6 lotto drawings. For DC = 75%: three-quarters of the winning lottery numbers in each drawing are repeats from the past 11 draws! That is, on the average, four or five of the six winning lotto numbers have also been drawn in the last 11 drawings. The degree of certainty DC = 90% should be obvious now. In 90% of the drawings, all 6 winning lotto numbers were also drawn in the past 17 lottery drawings.

I studied for a long time the 6/48 lotto game conducted for many years by Pennsylvania Lottery. The gambling formula and the numbers in the table were validated to a high degree. There were lottery drawings in which all six winning lotto numbers had been repeats from the past 11-12 lotto drawings, even from the past 6-7 draws! In the last 500 drawings of the late Wild Card lotto game (6 of 48), in 123 cases (25%) all 6 winning lotto numbers were repeats from the last 12 lottery drawings. In 25 cases (5 times a year), all 6 lotto winners were also drawn in the last 7 lottery draws.

Lottery Keno Numbers Today

More amazingly, in 7 cases, all 6 winning lotto numbers were repeats from the last 4-5 drawings! Such favorable cases were separated by about 50 lottery drawings. In other words, one could select lotto numbers from the last 5 drawings and, say, win, then wait 50 lottery drawings before selecting again numbers from the most recent 5 draws. The lotto wheels in my comprehensive MDIEditor Lotto lottery software program offer the 4 out of 6 minimum guarantee. They offer, however a good shot at higher prizes. It is also true that there were situations when only 2-3 lotto numbers were repeats from the last 6 or even 11 lottery drawings.

In order to apply this knowledge to your playing strategy, you need my lottery softwareMDIEditor Lotto Run the lottery software application. Make sure you have created a lottery-drawings data file and you keep it updated. Do the statistical reporting for the lotto-6 game. Go to the skip chart and only look at the first number listed in each skip string.

For example, for the lotto number 13 you will see a skip string like 4 11 9 21 ... The number of importance to you is 4 (the beginning of the string). It is also a good idea to work with DC = 75%, since it offers a better chance to predict 4 or 5 winning lotto numbers for the next draw. It also offers a better frequency of situations when all six winning lottery numbers are repeats from the last 11-12 draws. Write down all the lotto numbers for which the skip string starts with a value less than or equal to the value corresponding to DC = 75%.

You will come up with 15 - 25 lotto numbers, depending on your lotto game. You will not play all the possible lotto combinations since the price of playing them consistently would be prohibitive. Instead, you will use an abbreviated lottery system or lotto wheel. MDIEditor And Lotto comes with 20+ such lottery systems, some of the best lotto wheels anywhere. They emphasize higher payouts rather than lower costs. Say, you came up with 18 lottery numbers to play for the next drawing. Click on File, Open and select the file SYS-18.46. Follow the instructions on how to apply your actual picks to that particular lotto wheel. My lottery software-download site offers plenty of lotto wheels, including for Powerball, Mega Millions, and Euromillions lotteries.

Please be advised that the lotto wheels do more harm than good. Read the mathematical presentation of this fact in my articles: 'The myth oflotto wheelsor reduced lotto systems' and Formula for Lottery Wheeling.
The shortcomings of the abbreviated lotto systems or wheels are diminished by the set of lottery strategies presented on this Web page, however.

If you came up with too many lotto numbers for your budget, you can reduce them further. Read the Lottery Tutorial in MDIEditor And Lotto WElotto software. You might want to avoid the worst lottery number pairings in your picks. The filters in my lottery-lotto software provide countless possibilities. They are called lottery strategies. A lotto or lottery strategy is a collection of filter settings applied to LotWon / SuperPower / MDIEditor Lotto lottery software collections and applications. I haven't been able to count ALL possible strategies in my lottery software!

1.3. Winning Lotto Strategies with the Most Powerful Lottery Software

• Version WE of MDIEditor Lotto handles just about any lotto and lottery games: pick-3, pick-4, lotto-5, lotto-6, lotto-7, Powerball plus Mega Millions, Keno, and Euromillions games. The super lottery software application does thorough statistical analyses, and then it generates optimized combinations based on user's lottery strategies.Keno Lottery Strategy

1.4. Winning Strategies Applied to Lotto-5 and Lotto 7 Games

This lottery system collection can be applied to other game formats as well: lotto-5 or lotto-7. The only thing, others warned you about, is the availability of specific abbreviated lotto systems or lotto wheels.
  • In addition to the lotto 6 wheels that accompany my lottery software, I also offer free lotto-5 and lotto-7 wheels. The wheels are as close as possible to mathematically balanced systems. They offer a high probability of winning prizes better than the third tier (3 of 5, or 5 of 7, or 4 of 6). They can be downloaded from the main lottery software-downloads site. The lotto-6, lotto-5, and lotto-7 wheels are archived in three self-extracting EXE files: SYSTEM6, WHEEL5, and WHEEL7, respectively.

1.5. Winning Strategies Applied to Pick 3, Pick-4 Lotteries

Here is the strategy applied to the pick-3 and pick-4 lottery games. The formula says that 50% of the 3 digits (1 or 2 digits) of the pick-3 lottery game will come out within 1 draw, that is, they are repeats from the preceding digit lotto draw. Or, 75% of the 3 lottery digits (2 or 3 digits) of the pick-3 game are repeats from the last 3 drawings. The following is real data from Pennsylvania Lottery again. I analyzed the last 500 draws (as of March 7, 1999). In 15 cases, all 3 lottery digits were repeats from the last drawing. For example, the real-life pick-3 lotto drawing was 3,2,2 and the next 3-digit drawing was 2,2,3. In 72 cases, all 3 digits were repeats from the last 2 draws. In 133 cases, all 3 lotto digits were repeats from the last 3 drawings.

The formula says that 50% of the 4 lottery digits (2 digits) of the pick-4 lottery game will come out within 2 draws. Or, 75% of the 4 digits (3 digits) of the pick-4 game are repeats from the last 3 lottery drawings. The following is real data from Pennsylvania lottery again. I analyzed the last 500 drawings (as of March 7, 1999). In 10 cases, all 4 pick-4 digits were repeats from the last lottery drawing. For example, the real-life drawing was 3,1,8,1 and the next drawing was 3,8,3,8. In 70 cases, all 4 pick lotto digits were repeats from the last 2 draws. In 147 cases, all 4 digits were repeats from the last 3 lottery draws.

2. Lotto, Lottery Strategies and Ion Saliu Paradox of N Drawings

A very subtle situation occurs when dealing with the number of lottery tickets to play. Let's take as an example the pick-3 lottery. The probability to win with one single pick 3 combination is 1/1000. Do we have the same chance of winning if:
1 – play one ticket for 1000 lottery draws; or
2 – play 1000 tickets in one lottery drawing.

“The same difference”, most lottery players would respond. Well, it isn't the same chance. If we play 1 ticket for the next 1000 lotto draws, the chance to win (degree of certainty) is only 63.2%. It is calculated exactly by a relation named Ion Saliu Paradox or Problem of N Trials. On the other hand, if we play all 1000 pick-3 lottery numbers in one drawing, we are guaranteed to hit the winning number. Of course, we still lose money because of the house edge. Read more on my Web pages: Theory of Probability: Best introduction, formulae, algorithms, software and Mathematics of Fundamental Formula of Gambling.

3. Updates To Lotto, Lottery Strategies: More Powerful Lotto, Lottery Software

Evolution is a continuous process. This page started with a modest goal: Devise a lottery software strategy aimed at winning the 4 out of 6 prize in lotto games that draw 6 winning numbers. The year was 1997. I offered also the best lotto wheels at the time, plus the best lottery software of that time - all free. But how far we have reached since 1997! My lotto / lottery software known as KenoLotWon / SuperPower / MDIEditor and Lotto / Bright / Ultimate Lottery Software has reached significant highs. The software is still free to use forever — but downloading requires a most reasonable one-time fee.

Is There A Strategy For Keno

At this point in time, 2008, please be encouraged to look at integrated lotto and lottery software packages named Bright / Ultimate (e.g. Bright6 applicable to lotto software for 6-number games). The keyword here is scary: As in 'It is impressive how powerful that lotto software is,' as expressed by real people, users of my software creations.

The key concept is filtering. That is, the lottery software employs filters as a method of reducing the amount of the lotto combinations to play. The skips presented on this page are filters themselves. They are just a few of the filters that can be enabled in MDIEditor And Lotto integrated lottery software. They are named Any* in MDIEditor Lotto; e.g. Any1, Any2, etc. They represent the skips of each number in a drawing. The skips are sorted in ascending order. The first Any represents the lowest skip in the drawing; the second Any represents the second lowest skip; the last Any (e.g. Any6 in a lotto-6 drawing) represents the biggest skip. Here is a real-life illustration.

I transferred the filters in MDIEditor And Lotto to 6 additional layers in my Command Prompt lottery software and lotto software. I am referring here to the first layer, which is almost identical to the filters in the statistical reports of MDIEditor Lotto. The report is for the 5-number lotto game.

The Any filters for the most recent draw (line #1 in report) are: 0, 1, 14, 19. (In my Command Prompt lottery software and lotto software I only work with the lowest two and the highest two Any and Ver filters. I run special software for all the skips and pairings. The software uses each skip as an individual filter. A string of the ANY skips in pick-3 such as 2, 3, 4 leads to 1 or 2 combinations to play when it hits; some non-hitting situations give zero combinations. The skips are applied as filters individually; i.e. Min_Skip_1 = 2, MAX_Skip_1 = 3, Min_Skip_2 = 3, MAX_Skip_2 = 4, Min_Skip_3 = 4, MAX_Skip_3 = 5.

The lottery strategy presented in 1997 only considered one filter: Any5 for the lotto-5 game; only Any6 for the lotto-6 game; only Any7 for the lotto-7 game; only Any3 for the pick-3 game; only Any4 for the pick-4 game. Just one filter — still my lottery software offers a big bundle of filters in later years!

The 1997 method was also tedious. The player would select manually the lotto numbers that skipped a number of drawings bellow the median (for DC = 50%) or below values for DC = 75%). The result would be a pool of lotto numbers, say, 15-20. The user then would wheel the pool of numbers by using one of the lotto wheels that accompany MDIEditor Lotto. It was the best lotto strategy of its time. But it was a tedious and very limited method!

The lottery strategy can be applied automatically by running MDIEditor and Lotto. The user will enable just one filter. For example, in the lotto-5 game the player enables only the maximum value of Any5: Max_Any5 = 13. The software then generates 5 of 5 lotto combinations, instead of lotto-5 wheels. The lottery player can still wheel the output file by Strip lotto wheeling it with the latest version of Super Utilities, component of the latest Bright / Ultimate lottery software packages. The strip-wheel function is far superior to any other lotto wheeling method.

Again, it's only one lottery software filter, and only its maximum value. I'll show a few examples for the pick-3 lottery. It's a simple matter of time of combination generating. I run my pick-3 lottery software for Any3 below the median: 4 in this case; thus Max_Any3_1 = 5. Total pick lottery combinations generated: 343. It means that 7 unique numbers repeated below the median. Sometimes only 6 numbers repeat (216 pick3 combinations). Other times 8 numbers repeat (512 pick 3 combinations).

Ohio Lottery Keno Strategy

If only 5 lottery numbers repeat (125 pick 3 combinations) it's a good indicator that the lottery strategy will NOT hit. Save 125 combinations in one shot! Following the old strategy, I would wheel the combinations. The pick-3 wheeling is available only in Bright3 / Ultimate Pick-3 (option: Boxed Combinations; it runs a program named WheelIn3). Better still, Ultimate Pick - the absolute best integrated pick 3 (also pick4) lottery software package in history (so far)!

Now it is very clear that the originating lottery strategy of this page was very limited! It only put to work Max_Any3 in the pick-3 lottery. LotWon and MDIEditor Lotto can put to work many more lotto and lottery filters! Not only that, but the strategy-checking utilities offer great visual assistance as of when to best expect a lotto or lottery strategy to win.

The 2008 lottery mathematics page names this incipient lottery strategy Step One: One lottery number at a time.

The next step in lottery mathematics is A lottery pair has a count of two and is more powerful, too. The lottery numbers can be grouped in pairs. By eliminating the least pairings (2-number groups with very low frequency), the lotto software can eliminate millions of combinations. This feature is far more powerful than the strategy presented at step one. The first inception of the step-two lotto strategy was named the lottery wonder-grid. It created the top 5 pairings for each lotto number (e.g. a 49-line grid in the lotto 6/49 game).

The first skip-based lotto strategy presented on this popular Web page is only a tiny part of the grand scheme of strategies created and employed by my lottery software:

  • The Best Ever Lottery Strategy, Lotto Strategies.

4. Ion Saliu's Lottery, Lotto, Gambling Theory, Software Compared to Other Lottery, Lotto Methods

Yes, people who use my lottery software, lotto software complain that it is complex. I realize that myself. But I always take complexity with efficiency and good performance. Many computer users take simplicity regardless of the results. Nevertheless, there is nothing else out there that comes remotely close to my lottery, lotto software, strategies, systems. It includes the logical organization as well. Nothing is more logically organized than my lottery and gambling software and the derived systems. Complaining about the DOS (say it Character Mode or Command Prompt!) interface? Well, DOS is the best interface for a user's eyes! I love how my character mode lotto software treats my eyes! The graphical interfaces (GUI), on the other hand, put a serious strain on users' eyes!

Most importantly, however, is the performance! My Command Prompt (say it Character Mode — for it is all about character!) lottery software runs rings around all Windows — lotto software or not! There are 8 to 13 times more layers in my DOS (command prompt) lottery software. The data files are much larger. For example, the pick-4 game uses at least 600,000 drawings (real and simulated). Yet, the performance is far superior to MDIEditor and Lotto WE, visually pleasant lotto software!

The foundation of a theory and subsequent software is the most important element. Everything I put in my lottery software must be validated mathematically to the best of my knowledge. If I discover something invalidated by mathematics, I change it as soon as I can. Nothing can escape mathematics, I can tell you that much.

In all honesty, I don't see anything out there that offers better ways to winning at gambling or lottery. IF my methodology doesn't win the lottery and gambling — there is absolutely nothing to accomplish such daunting tasks. Never will be, if my research has been futile. In the end, it's all about streaks and skips, no matter what the phenomenon is. The skips (misses) are shorter and the streaks are longer if the probability is higher; and vice versa.

The rest of the lottery software is nothing more than wheeling the lotto numbers and/or frequency reporting. As per above, lottery wheeling is a waste of time and money. Data analysis demonstrates that the static lotto wheels diminish the chance to win the highest lottery prizes. By the time a lotto wheel gives you its promised lower-tier prize, you would have spent around 4-5 times that amount of money. You still want lotto number-wheeling? It's best for you to follow my wheeling methodology and lotto software. Follow the multitude of links listed here…

The lottery frequency reports are extremely limited in usefulness. Most lotto software applications out there are based on so-called hot/cold numbers! It's a static strategy. It's playing mechanically a mixture of lotto numbers with high frequency and numbers with low frequency. It has NO mathematical foundation! My lotto software gives you the best and most meaningful frequency reports. I also offer you the idea of playing the lotto numbers position by position based on the highest frequencies (The Ranges / Positional Limits options). Still, it's not enough. The player needs to take into consideration the skips, including position by position. Filtering is everything in playing the lottery, therefore in lottery software strategizing!

I introduced the concept of lotto or lottery filters in the early 1990's. Years after that, most other lotto software developers introduced the word “filters” in their software. They haven't a clue what lottery filtering is about! They consider as filters: odd/even numbers, low/high numbers. Those are NOT lotto filters, and that's NOT lottery filtering. It's simply a way of grouping lotto numbers. There is a fixed group of even lotto numbers.

The number of lottery combinations in the group stays always the same. It's a very large number of lotto combinations. Grouping the lotto numbers by odd/even and/or low/high leads to an impractical number of lotto combinations to play. You can find various formulas I coined at this web site. Read: Software, formulas to calculate lotto odds using hypergeometric distribution probability. Not to mention that the large fixed groups of odd/even, etc. lotto numbers are very STREAKY! A player (or groups of lottery players) could easily spend 100 million to win one million!

Still new and potent: You can download two lottery and gambling programs I created. Streaks calculates the probability of streaks of any length (like winning/losing five times in a row). SkipSystem comprehensive lottery software to generate lotto systems based on skips - a vast improvement over the first lottery strategy presented on this page.

Read Ion Saliu's first book in print: Probability Theory, Live!
~ Founded on valuable mathematical discoveries with a wide range of scientific applications, including probability theory applied to lottery, software, systems.

6. Resources in Lottery Strategy, Systems, Software, Lotto Wheeling

Ga Lottery Keno Strategy

See a comprehensive directory of the pages and materials on the subject of lottery software, systems, strategies, lotto wheels.
  • Introduction toLottery Mathematics: Probabilities, Appearance, Repeat, Software, Wheels, Systems, Strategies.
  • Lotto Software, Lottery Software, Excel Spreadsheets: Lottery Programming, Strategies
    Read a genuine analysis of Excel spreadsheets applied to lottery and lotto developing of software, systems, and strategies. Combining Excel analysis with powerful lottery software, lotto software programmed by this author, a.k.a. Parpaluck.
  • MDIEditor Lotto WE: Lottery Software Manual, Book, ebook, Help.
    ~ Also applicable to LotWon lottery, lotto software; plus Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions.
  • Visual Tutorial, Book, Manual: Lottery Software, Lotto Apps, Programs.
  • Genuine Powerball, Mega-Millions Strategy, System, based on pools of numbers derived from skips.
    (* The lotto system hit at least 4 (four) Powerball jackpots as of August 18, 2007 (in a 20-drawing span: draw #3, #8, #9, #20). *)
  • Skip Systems, Strategy Lotto, Lottery Skips, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions.
  • Lotto, Lottery Strategy in Reverse: Not-to-Win Leads to Not-to-Lose or WIN.
  • Lottery Utility Software: Pick-3, 4 Lottery, Lotto-5, 6, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions.
  • Practical Lottery Filtering in Lotto Software.
  • Lotto Wheelsfor Lottery Games drawing 5, 6, or 7 numbers.
    The most advanced theory of lotto wheels or reduced lottery systems. Get also original lotto wheels for lottery games drawing 5, 6, or 7 numbers: Balanced, randomized, and free.
  • 'The Start Is the Hardest Part' in Lottery Strategies, Systems Play, plus working with data files (drawings, past winning numbers, or lottery results).
  • Theory of Skips: Gambling, Lottery, Software, Strategies, Systems Based on Skips.
  • Lottery, Software, Systems, Science, Mathematics.
  • The Best Strategy for Lottery, Gambling, Sports Betting, Horse Racing, Blackjack, Roulette.
  • Neural Networking, Artificial Intelligence AI, Axiomatic Intelligence AxI in Lottery: Strategies, Systems, Software.
  • DownloadLottery Software, Lotto Apps, Programs.

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What can You Do to Win More at Keno?

Let’s say it straight away, Keno is, like any lottery, basically a guessing game. Winning keno numbers are selected completely at random. So the bottom line is that no keno strategy is ever going to be really successful at predicting what will come out.

Having said that, there are some things you can do to edge the odds in your favour. In short, our top tips for winning at keno are as follows:

Look for the best payout schedules

By analysing the payout table you can find out before you play what the expected payback over time will be. Not a clue how to do that? Well luckily, we’ve done it for you – at least if you want to play online! If you’re playing keno online the pay schedule is determined largely by what type of gaming software the casino runs on. And we’ve worked out the expected payouts on all the main software brands and listed for you which casinos run on each type.

Play the right number of spots

How many keno numbers should you pick? Most keno games allow you to choose 1 to 15 spots (numbers). You might also find special games that allow a lot more numbers to be chosen. The numbers of spots you pick doesn’t affect the cost of your bet.

The more you pick the better your chances that at least some of them will be drawn out. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have a better chance of winning because you will need to catch more of them before you win anything.

For instance, if you pick a 6-spot, in most casinos you wouldn’t win anything unless at least 3 of them were drawn. So it’s a balancing act between selecting enough numbers to give you a reasonable chance of catching a few, but not so many that you have to catch lots before you get a payout.

Regular players tend to opt for between 4 and 8 numbers. If you choose less than 4 spots, the payout schedules mean that it isn’t worth it – the payouts are relatively low and the house has too large an advantage.

If you choose more than 9 spots, the odds of all your numbers actually getting picked are so small that it’s hardly worth even trying. In the extreme case, the odds of getting 15 catches out of 15 spots are about 428 BILLION to 1 (pretty much impossible)!

Keno Mass Lottery App

If you play a high number of spots, some casinos pay out if none of them come up, but you’d need to check their schedule to make sure of this. If you’re a Jackpot hunter: On any pay schedule the BIGGEST jackpot is on maximum spots. But sadly, the more spots you pick, the more remote your chances of winning.

Play several ‘ways’

You can increase your chances of some kind of win from the set of numbers you have selected by betting on a variety of ‘ways’. If, for instance, you have selected 8 numbers as an 8-spot, you could at the same time group them as two 4-spots.

You would then have 3 separate wagers on the same set of numbers. If all 8 came up you would collect 3 lots of winnings (But of course if none of them came up you would lose all three stakes!) You should note that these multi-bet options are usually only available in live, offline keno. But we’ve found one site where you can bet several ways on the same keno draw.

Set a good wager level

4 Card Keno Strategy

How much to wager? Well it depends on such factors as what you can afford, how much the casino will allow, the details of the payout schedule.

Choose lucky numbers!

Everyone has their own superstitions and favoured methods of picking numbers. How about trying some of these:

  • try our picker.
  • family birthdays or ages (although this is likely to slant your picks towards
  • smaller numbers)
  • telephone numbers or street address numbers
  • a particular layout of numbers on the card
  • a ‘psychic feeling’ – just close your eyes and see what comes to mind
  • a ‘quick pick’ where the computer picks your numbers for you at random

Statistically it really shouldn’t make any difference how you pick your keno numbers – but who knows?