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Do Bookies Make Money


Whether you callthem bookmakers, bookies, or turfs accountants, those who pay offdebts for gambling games depending on the predetermined odds have anintegral role to play in the gambling industry. Have you everwondered how these bookies make money? There are behind all the majorsporting events across the globe in parts of the world where gamblingis legal. The bookmakers, just like the house, always have an edgeover the bettors. They use unique strategies to make sure that thishappens. People who understand how these bookmarkers work use theirknowledge to win consistently in sports betting. The goal of thisarticle is not to teach you how to trick bookmakers but we will giveyou a few great tips to help you. First of all, we will show you howthese bookies make their money.

How do BookiesMake Their Money?

  • The other thing that bookies do to make money is to use a pay per head website that allows you to piggyback off their lines and betting platform. Price per head websites, such as AcePerHead.com charge a small fee of $10 per active player a week, and then in return, they provide the bookie with a website with thousands of betting options each day.
  • Cricket bookies accept bets and offer odds. They obviously make money when you lose a bet since they do not have to pay you back. This used to be a hit or miss kind of thing when things were done offline but nowadays, cricket bookies offer bets using a complicated system of statistics.

Clearly though if you are a bookie then the more players you have and the larger amounts your players bet per wager will greatly increase the amount of money you will make each week and each year. Bookies with 100 plus players can easily make 100k a week, or in yearly terms over $5 million dollars a year. But once again if you have very small bettors or not a lot of bettors then the amount of money a bookie will make will. How Do Bookmakers Calculate Odds, Set Prices and Make Money? Successful bookmaking is about building margins into odds and balancing the book so no matter who wins the bookie makes a profit. Odds are not just set to reflect the probabilities of an outcome they also reflect the bookmakers. How do Bookies Always Win? If you are looking to become a bookie, instead of just making bets yourself, the good news is you will make a lot more money as a bookie.The reason is that people who bet, lose over the long term, which means that if you are booking the action then you will be earning money from each player over the long term.

There is a commonnotion that bookmarkers manipulate the result of the event to makesure that they win. This isn’t the case, at least not legally.However, the bookmakers have significant control over how much theystand to win with each event. They set the price of bets based oncertain principles. They can decide to change the betting lines andit is their responsibility to balance the books. Everything they dois based on the basic betting principles but their primary goal is tomake money from people who place bets and pay out those who win.While gambling corporations provide a platform for betting,bookmakers are the ones who ensure that paying in and out movessmoothly. They are the ones who set the odds wagers so it’s not asurprise that they always make a profit. These bookies price bets inways that do not represent the true probability of expected outcomes.It is the overround from these manipulations that give them an edgeover the bettors.

Vigorish is the most common technique bookies use to increase their edge in the market. This vigorish is the overround we referred to earlier. It is also called margin or juice. Bookmakers build it into the odds they set to make sure that they gain after the game is complete. The vigorish is also called the commission that bookies get when they layout bets for players. Without the vig, bookmakers aren’t going to make money. The most common example used to explain the importance of the vig by bookmakers is an even game. For example, let’s say 100 people are playing an even money game where the chances of winning or losing are 50/50. If the bookmarker offers the real probability, in this case, they will have nothing to take home at the end of the game. These 100 people will all wager $10 each and expect $20 if they win. If 50 people bet on heads and 50 people bet on tails, the bookmaker will have to pay back $1000. This is why the vig is added to the odds to guarantee that the bookmarker wins something at the end of the day.


For the exampleabove, the odds would be 2.00 but if the vig is included, the odd setby the bookmarker will be 1.9091. With the same 100 people betting onthe game, the winners of the bet will stand a chance to win $9.09plus their original stake of $10 leaving the difference for thebookmarker. When the 100 people pay the bookmarker a total of $1000and 50 of them win, the bookmarker will have to pay them $954.50. Thedifference of $45.50 is what is referred to as the vigorish. That’s agreat profit margin for people who don’t bet with their money at all.Imagine what the profit will be if the total amount wagered was ashigh as $100 each. The higher the wagering amount, the more money thebookmaker stands to gain a profit. If each of the 100 people stakes$100 and the total wager for the bookmarker is $10,000, the vigorishwill be $450 if 50 out of the contributions of the 100 people whotook the bet.

While the exampleabove can apply to games with equal or almost equal odds like a cointoss or roulette game, things get more tricky when it comes to sportsbetting. This is because the odds for sports betting are less likelyto be even. There is more than one possible outcome for sportingevents. For example, in a football game, several possible odds aredepending on the type of wager you’re trying to place. The most basicis that one team will win and the other team will lose. This issimilar to the example mentioned above because it is 50/50. However,there are several possible outcomes. How many goals will the winningteam get by the end of the game? Will the losing team score any goal?How many goals will both teams score during the first half? Will thegame end with a draw? There are many different possibilities and thebookmarker creates odds for all of them. The less likely thepossibility, the higher the stake. This is why bookmakers implementmany other strategies to make sure that they cash out.

Do Bookies Make Money

How Can You Beatthe Bookmakers?

Do Bookies Make Money

As stated above, thebookmakers may manipulate the odds but they don’t control theoutcome. So, with a few great tips, you can increase your edge andstand a chance to beat the bookmarker at their own game. However, itis important to note that there is no clear cut way of being 100%sure because you can’t predict the result of a game just like thebookmarker. So, what can you do to boost your chances?

  • GatherInformation

Information is powerand arming yourself with enough information might be enough for youto predict patterns to an extent. Make sure you’re up to date aboutyour sport of interest. Find out as much as you can about those whowill be playing as this often helps you determine the possible resultof the game. You can find all the information you need from reliableonline sources. Unreliable sources will only make things worse. Whenyou’ve got all the information you need, look for valuable oddssurrounding that game. When it comes to getting the most valuablebets, you should not let loyalty blind you. Compare odds fromdifferent platforms until you find the one that offers you the mostvalue for your money whether it’s on your favorite store or not.

  • Look Outfor Promotions and Avoid Bandwagon Mentality

How Do Bookies Make Money Reddit

Following the crowdwhen you’re wagering on sporting events might seem like a good ideabut this isn’t always the case. If you’re not careful, you’ll end upfollowing a crowd of people who are doing the wrong thing. Do yourresearch and trust your guts even if all your friends are placing anopposing wager. As long as the platform you’re using is reliable andyou’re betting based on strategy, you shouldn’t have a problem. Youshould also take advantage of promotions and bonuses. Most onlinebetting platforms offer signup bonuses and many more to theirclients. Look out for the most attractive promotions and take fulladvantage of them. However, never forget that things that look toogood to be true are usually a lie. So, know when a platform is simplytrying to scam you.

How Does Bookies Make Money


How Do Bookies Make Money

Bookmakers are there to make sure that the betting process goes smoothly no matter who is involved. At the end of the day, however, their primary objective is to make a profit. So, you don’t need to feel bad if you can’t beat the bookmakers’ edge. Focus more on placing great bets rather than worrying about the bookmakers and how they make their money. At the end of the day, you’re either lucky or unlucky and there is nothing anyone can do about it, not even the bookmakers.